Raising kids—Primed For Success

Education - Classroom

||Home is the ’Primary Classroom’ for Students—Prepare the home with this perspective.

The Secret to Energizing and Motivating your Child

We are parents and our children mean the world to us. We want our children to excel in education. We want our kids to be recognized as smart, intelligent and gifted. We want them to be able to compete and succeed in this highly competitive world.

We have to recognize that it is a tall order and a lot of demand on our little ones. They need a lot of support – the right kind of support – to achieve those dreams.

First of all, children need a lot of physical energy, focus and mental attitude. And, parents are the only ones who can provide these essentials to their children.

In our eighteen plus years of tutoring and working with children — age 8 to 22, we have observed that a child’s state of Physical Health and overall level of Energy play a very important role in his or her attention span and learning capabilities. With just a few exceptions, we have noted that the Lack of Energy is the prime culprit behind the lack of attention, resistance to learning and the resulting poor academic performance.

Beside being a Tutor, I have been very much into Natural Health and the philosophy of Wholesome Living. Over the years I have worked with and helped many parents to “energize” and motivate their children.

Here is a comprehensive program to help parents prepare their children for a brighter future.

☑ Give it a try – It works

♔ The ‘Secret’ to Energizing and Motivating Your Child ♔

Back in 2001 we had a 4th grader in our class. Unlike his 5th grader sister, he was always sort of lethargic, short on attention span and lacking any motivation or excitement.

His parents were very concerned – and so were we. One day we had a heart-to-heart talk with the parents of the child (He ended up at Stanford as a CS major – we are as proud of him as are his parents).

What we found out was that:
The poor child was simply over pampered and undernourished (plenty of sugar and short on much needed protein and fresh fruits). The Child had not been taught to respect his time and manage his daily activities with thought.

We proposed our tried and proven formula to the parents in order to help them rectify and correct what was going wrong with their child. They are now certainly very happy that they listened and followed our suggestions. And, so are many other parents.

It is simply a Natural Way of raising Well Disciplined, Energetic, Enthusiastic and Smart children.

Here it is to help you help your Child — Primed For Success:

➀ Respect

Please accept and recognize the fact that children are people who are just going through the process of growing up and, as such, deserve to be treated with due respect – They are not our toys nor are they here for our fun and satisfaction. They are their own person.

➁ Responsibility

Still, as parents, raising them and helping them grow to their full potential is our responsibility. It is a tall order and a BIG job – You can consider it a Project and yourself the Project Manager. The objective is to make them succeed in their lives.

☞ In order to succeed in their lives, they need to be:

➂ Well-Rested

Growing bodies and brains need ample amount of sleep (8 hours minimum) to process and acquire new knowledge and to function properly. Make sure that they enjoy sound sleep and are properly rested.

➃ Properly Fed

Every parent wants to provide the best food to their children. But, most of the times, it translates
into munchies and, junkies that are heavy on sugar, sweeteners and other unhealthy substances and are short on nutrition – you can call them Fake Foods. These fake foods are the prime cause of children being short on energy, attention span and mental alertness.

✓ Please feed your child Healthy and Nourishing Foods ✓

  • Two lightly cooked Eggs (Free Range hens) for breakfast – protein & sustainable energy.
  • Milk (from Grass Fed cows) is a good source of nutrition for children.
  • Meat & Chicken (Free Range & Grass Fed animals).
  • Nuts & Seeds – Almonds, Raisins, other Nuts & Sunflower Seeds for snacks.
  • Plenty of Fresh Fruits.
  • Dinner should preferably consist of mostly fresh vegetables and legumes.
  • For the bread, always use Whole Wheat/whole Grains.
  • Candies and Sweets should be allowed only occasionally.
  • Fast Food and so-called “soft-drinks” are an absolute NO NO.

It is understood that convincing the kids to adopt a healthy diet will be a task in itself. But, with the right approach, education and determination, they will come to accept and adopt it.

➄ Well Disciplined

Children need to understand that discipline is essential to avoid chaos. They can be made to see that many amenities and essentials that they love to enjoy will disappear in a state of chaos.

You will need to sit and work with them and help them organize their weekly and daily schedule. The schedule must provide time for all their needed activities and tasks. Parents’ task is be to make them understand that once agreed and accepted, the timetable and the
schedule is there to be obeyed.

☞ Please recognize that most TV programs and Video Games that children love are detrimental to their mental health – Provide alternatives to these activities (indoor games, interesting books etc.).

☞ But, make sure that you use reason and logic when discussing with your children. They are intelligent beings and, as such, deserve to be treated with respect.

➅ Made to Earn Their Awards

Children need to understand that their fun time is a privilege that needs to be earned. They earn it by doing and accomplishing their part of the job as assigned and agreed upon in their schedule.

➆ Made to be Aware of Their Own Responsibilities

Parents must make children aware that they are being treated with all due respect – And, that respect carries with it the burden of responsibilities. They have to recognize that they are going to grow up and have to prepare for it. Make them understand that as a parent it is your responsibility to ensure that they are ready for success in their adult lives – and, you take your responsibilities very seriously.

➇ And, The Love – is a Given, of course.

Make them realize that you love them very much and you will do every thing possible to make them happy and successful in their lives. Let them understand that you have passed through the stages that they are passing through now and you know what really matters and what is needed to enjoy a successful life.

Raising an intelligent, healthy, responsible and caring child is simply natural. It is fun and a joy – If done right!

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